Life After Hurricane Dorian – Thanking God for the Many Blessings

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September 1, 2019 – the day the world changed on Elbow Cay. The worst or second worst hurricane in recorded history, depending on how you measure it. One way or the other, Dorian stayed way too long over our beautiful cay and packed way to much wind power and hidden tornadoes. Abaconians have been dealing with hurricanes for generations, but nothing prepared anyone for what was coming, came, over-stayed and left a path of devastation in its wake.

But we are resilient. Right after the worst was over, those who stayed, and that was the majority, got to work and started to clear debris, check everyone was OK (no fatalities), and organize food and water supplies, as well as fuel for the few generators operating. The community spirit of Hope Town shone through the devastation. Volunteers also came in early to help at the time most desperately needed, helping with clean-up, roof repair, meals and anything that needed doing.

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Despite the widespread devastation, unlike any hurricane before, including Floyd in 1999, St. James stood largely undamaged, as a symbol of hope and community.

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The church has been used as a place to hold community meetings to discuss and organize relief and rebuilding efforts.

There is also more good news. The Sunday school addition that had been planned for and mostly completed prior to Dorian survived as well and was able to be officially opened not too long after by Rev. Culmer, the President of the Bahamas Conference of Methodist Churches. It is indeed a bright spot, pointing the way to the future, when life returns to what it was, but not just what it was before, but even better, more united and more vibrant, with a deep gratitude that all survived this devastating hurricane, and that we live to worship God all the more joyously and deeply.

We now have a strong, shining light to help guide Hope Town to a bright future.

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